It is a natural yeast rehydration nutrient containing a balance of micronutrients. It was developed to enhance kinetics and thereby potentially avoid problem fermentations. Suspend Go-Ferm in the rehydration water before adding the selected active dried yeast culture. The yeast soak up the valuable bio-available micronutrients as they rehydrate. Infusing yeast with these essential nutrients arms them against ethanol toxicity and optimizes nutrient availability to the rehydrating yeast culture. The result is fermentations that finish stronger.
Go-Ferm Rehydration Procedure
For 1 packet of yeast, dissolve 6.25g of Go-Ferm Protect in 125mL hot water (the hotter the better). The warmer the water, the easier it will be to dissolve the Go-Ferm.
When the water reaches 104 °F (40 °C), pour in your yeast. Give the slurry a quick swirl. After 15 minutes, begin tempering yeast by adding 50mL Must to the yeast slurry every 5 minutes. When yeast slurry temperature is within 10 °F of Must temperature, pitch yeast into the fermenter.